
Tuesday, March 14

Understanding Planetary Aspects

Understanding Planetary Aspects

 * Understanding Planetary Aspects :-

The dynamic interactions between the various energies of life are represented on an individual level by the “aspects" in a natal chart-that is, the angles between planets and between the Ascendant or Midheaven and the planets. Aspects have been spoken of as “lines of force’ ’ between the various energy centers (planets) in the energy field mapped by the chart. In the birth chart. which reveals this energy field with remarkable precision. the aspects are measured within the 360° circle. This will concentrate on the most commonly used aspects-the ones occurring every 30°, all of which I consider “major aspects" that are reliable and illuminating. The mathematical theory of aspects has been explained in many other books.‘ and we will not dwell upon it hem. This chapter is meant to give guidelines for the practical understanding of aspects in chart interpretation.

* Aspects can be categorized in two groups :-

DYNAMIC or CHALLENGING aspects: This refers to the square (90°). opposition (180°), quincunx (150°), and sometimes, depending upon the harmony of the planets and signs involved, the conjunction (0°) and the semi-sextile (30°)* These angles correspond with the experience of inner tension and usually prompt some sod of definite action or at least the development of greater awareness in the areas indicated. Although the term “inharmonious” (as well as “difficult” or “bad") is often applied to these aspects by astrological writers, these terms can be misleading, since it is possible for the individual to develop a relatively harmonious mode of expression for these energies by taking on responsibilities, work, or other challenges which are capable of absorbing the full intensity of the energy being released. The challenging aspects show that the energies involved (and thus the life-dimensions of the individual whose chart has such an aspect) do not vibrate in harmony. They tend to interfere with each other’s expression and to create stress within the energy field, as if two energy waves were in a discordant relationship to each other, setting up what one might call an unstable or irritating tone. This irritation or instability can, however, lead the individual to take steps toward resolving the tension. For example, a dynamic aspect between Mercury and Mars can manifest as an impatience (Mars) to communicate (Mercury). a strong drive (Mars) to learn (Mercury), the tendency to assert too forcefully (Mars) one’s ideas and opinions (Mercury). an irritable nervous system, an overly critical nature, etc. If the irritability and inner tension are successfully controlled and directed, however, such an individual may well be able to focus the tremendous drive toward learning into the development of exceptional skills which require keen intelligence

HARMONIOUS or FLOWING aspects: This refers to the trine (120°). sextile (60°). and some of the conjunctions (0°) (depending on the planets involved) and semi-sextiles (30°) (depending on the harmony of the planets and the elements of the signs involved]. These angles correspond with spontaneous abilities, talents, and modes of understanding and expression which the individual is able to utilize and develop with relative ease and consistency. These abilities constitute a set of steady and reliable personal assets upon which the person may draw at any time. Although the individual may prefer to concentrate his or her energy and attention on the more dynamic. challenging aspects of life, these flowing aspects do represent the potential for developing extraordinary talents. But in contrast with the dynamic aspects. they are most indicative of a state of being and an innate and spontaneous attunement to an established and comfortable channel of expression; whereas the dynamic aspects indicate the need for adjustment through effort, direct action, and the development of new Channels of self-expression. The harmonious aspects show that the energies involved (and thus the two dimensions of the individual’s being) vibrate in harmony and thus reinforce each other within the person’s energy field, similar to two waves harmonizing and blending into a unified expression of complex enemies. To use again the example of Mercury and Mars. a harmonious aspect between them indicates an automatic blending of the two energies which can produce mental strength, the power to assert one's ideas, a strong nervous system. and the ability to project one's ideas into definite action. It is as if Mercury lends its intelligence to guide the Mats self-assertion, while simultaneously Mars energizes the Mercurian perception and verbal expression.

An important point is that each aspect must be evaluated according to the nature of the planets and signs involved. There is considerable evidence that some of the trine aspects correspond with wasteful or problematic conditions in many cases, despite the traditional teaching that these are “beneficial" aspects. For example, Uranus trines are common in the charts of people who are particularly self-centered, unable to cooperate. given to the “I know it all” syndrome, and so speeded up with excitement about their own interests that they are extremely impatient with others. By contrast. the dynamic aspects are often found to symbolize energy that can be expressed with great concentration, power, and creativity, although they do often also show conflicts and problems [sometimes simultaneously). If we can begin to see that there is value inherent in challenge and effort and even in pain, we can begin to understand the aspects in an accurate, deep, and practical way.

A Law for Interpreting Aspects 

My favorite law for interpreting aspects is:

The planets in the signs represent the basic urges Iowan! expression and needs for fulfillment, but the aspects reveal the actual state of the energy flow and thus how much personal effort is needed in order to express a particular urge or to fulfill a particular need.

In other words. a particular aspect does not tell us if a person will experience or achieve something specific; but it does tell us how much effort will be required. in a relative sense, to achieve a given result. This is an interpretive guideline that is worth studying in depth and remembering. It is absolutely crucial to understand this law if one is going to interpret aspects accurately and subtly.

* The Major Aspects :-

Here are some guidelines for the interpretation of the major aspects:

CONJUNCTION (0°): Any conjunction in an individual chart should be regarded as important, since it indicates an intense merging and interaction of two life energies. The most powerful of all conjunctions are those involving one of the “personal planets" (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) or the Ascendant. Such conjunctions always characterize particularly strong modes of energy flow and personal expression (by planet and sign) and dominant emphases in the person’s life (by house). The keynote of the conjunction is action and self-projection.

SEMI-SEXTILE (30°): This is traditionally considered a minor aspect. but at times it can be more noticeable even than the conjunction, depending upon the planets involved and the other aspects to the two planets. Planets in semi-sextile are constantly interacting and building on the energy of each other. They do not usually generate the stress of a square and are in fact usually gentler in effect than the quincunx, but they are persistent and almost always in evidence if the aspect is quite close.

SEXTILE (60°): The sextile seems to be an aspect of openness to the new: new people, new ideas, new attitudes; and it symbolizes the potential for making new connections with either people or ideas that can ultimately lead to new learning. This aspect usually involves signs of harmonious elements, and thus compatible enemies. The sextile shows an area of life where one can cultivate not only a new level of understanding but also a greater degree of objectivity which can lead to a feeling of great freedom. It indicates an automatic, natural attunement and sometimes a definite skill.

SQUARE (90°): The square usually involves planets in inharmonious elements and thus calls forth significant effort in order to integrate such divergent energies. Any close square involving one of the personal planets represents a major life challenge. A square aspect shows where energy must be released, usually through action of a definite sort. in order that a new structure may be built. Many astrologers have written that the square aspect has the nature of Saturn: it represents what you have to deal with. Another Saturnian  feature related to the square is fear, for we are often afraid of dealing with whatever is symbolized by the squares in our charts. Fearing challenge restricts the energy available to deal effectively with whatever problem is at hand.

TRINE (120°): A trine aspect represents an easy flow of energy into established channels of expression. One does not need to build a new structure or to make marked adjustments in one’s life in order to utilize this energy creatively. The planets involved in the trine reveal dimensions of life and specific energies which are naturally integrated and which flow together harmoniously. (Note that trines are commonly between signs of the same element, which is the basis for the harmony of energies.) Such an aspect often shows a way of being, however, rather than a way of doing; one often takes for granted the abilities and talents shown by the trine and thus sometimes does not feel challenged to make the effort required to use the energy constructively.

QUINCUNX (0r INCONJUNCT) (150°): This aspect indicates a strong flow of energy between those dimensions of life symbolized by the planets involved. but the individual may feel that the experience of those energies is too compulsive or consistently annoying. It is difficult to remain aware of both energies simultaneously, and one usually has to make a conscious. concerted effort to do so. Note that the quincunx aspect usually involves signs that are not only of inharmonious elements but also of different modalities. (E.g., a quincunx between planets in Gemini and Capricorn involves mutable Air and cardinal Earth-quite a dissimilarity but potentially a combination of deep understanding and practical skill.) It is important to be aware of both energies. because it often seems that the expression of each of the two factors involved is dependent upon the other. Thus, if one is not conscious of both energies. one of them may interfere with the other, causing a problem because the enexgies are not well integrated. Dealing with this aspect effectively requires discrimination in subtly adjusting one’s approach to those areas of life rather than trying to force a solution.

OPPOSITION (180°): The opposition, particularly since it usually involves planets in harmonious elements, indicates a degree of over-stimulation in the person's energy field which often manifests as a feeling of being caught in the middle of completely opposite tendencies. This is usually felt most directly as a constant challenge in the area of personal relationships. There is often a marked lack of objectivity since the individual tends to engage in “projection” of different sides of his or her nature onto others; and thus there is some difficulty in distinguishing what is yours and what is somebody else's. Having an opposition in one’s chart is similar to being stretched between two contrasting, sometimes contradictory tendencies. Opposite signs are similar in many ways and in fact complementary, but there is no denying that they are also totally opposed in many ways.

* Orbs & Planetary Interactions :-

The aspects. of course. do not consist solely of mathematical angles. The planets and signs involved in an aspect describe the energies that are interacting within a person. Planets involved in close aspects represent dimensions of experience that are rarely expressed or felt in isolation. They always affect each other. no matter which specific major aspect they are making in the natal chart. In many respects, the type of aspect between two or more planets is less significant in interpretation than is the fact that those two specific energies are constantly interacting.

In other words, for example, the Sun closely aspecting Uranus will have most of the same qualities whether the aspect is a square. trine. quincunx, or semi-sextile. Them is certainly considerable difference among the aspects, as described in the previous section; however, I tend to concentrate most upon the interactions and blendings of the specific planetary enemies involved in an aspect. The negative and the positive manifestations of a certain planetary combination can co-exist and both be expressed in a particular individual, no matter what exact angle separates the two planets. The exactitude of the aspect is invariably important in relation to the level of intensity that a particular aspect manifests.

In fact. over the years I have been convinced that the most exact aspects are always the most powerful and should be given the most attention in chart interpretation. Beginning and intermediate students of astrology would be well advised to look to the closest aspect or aspects in any chart being considered, early in the consultation or chart evaluation. Many astrological books have advised students to allow orbs‘ as large as 12° when interpreting aspects. My experience leads me to conclude that: The more one knows what works effectively in astrology, the tighter one’s orbs get.

I would have to state that an orb of 8° or 9° for most aspects is completely unacceptable because that aspect is not significantly in effect! That is to say. those energies are not interacting with any degree of dynamism. Only in the case of Sun, Moon, or Ascendant aspects would I ever consider allowing an orb of over 7°, and an orb of even 6° is getting very wide for the other aspects. I would strongly urge beginning students to focus on aspects which have orbs of no more than 5° in the early stages of their studies.

The evaluation of any specific aspect in a birth chart also has to take into consideration not only the intrinsic nature of the planets involved, but also whether each planet is in a “congenial” sign-that is, a sign through which it can freely express its essential nature. If the sign position of a planet alone represents a built-in conflict, even a harmonious aspect might manifest less harmoniously. Whereas, if the sign position of a planet is especially comfortable and compatible, even a close challenging aspect may not represent so severe a test as it might at first appear.

In summary. each specific aspect in any chart is actually completely unique, since it is woven into the entire chart structure (and thus into the fabric of one’s life) in an intricate way. Hence, one must learn the basic principles of aspect interpretation to do accurate work, but ultimately it takes broad experience to be able to understand the intricacies of these essential interpretive factors in actual charts of individuals.

* Guidelines To Planetary Interchanges & Blendings :-

It is important to note that aspects between the three outer planets. in themselves and when isolated from other primary factors in the chart, should not be considered a major factor in interpretation. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto carry a transpersonal meaning and clarify some aspects of mass psychology for an en~ tire generation. as they remain in one sign for many years. All too often, new students of astrology become very upset about, for example, a square between Uranus and Neptune. only to find out after more experience that everyone born during a period of a couple of years had that same aspect in their natal charts! This is one more instance of the need for beginners in astrology to focus on the essentials and to learn to discriminate right from the start between the primary and the innumerable secondary features in any chart.

However, should a person have, for example, Neptune conjunct Saturn, both of which form a square aspect (or 90° angle) to the Sun. that entire configuration-blending the Sun, Saturn, and Neptune energies-would then have to receive considerable attention.

In order to remain focused on the primary, reliable features of the chart, I am providing guidelines only for aspects that are absolutely essential and invariably important for everyone-that is, only those involving the five personal planets, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Ascendant. As just mentioned, the other aspects are relatively unimportant on an individual level. except insofar as they tie in with the major placements, structures, and themes of the chart.*

This section provides brief guidelines for the interpretation of aspects, based upon the planetary principles involved. Blending these energies in an accurate way will develop over time with further experience. It should also be emphasized that a deep understanding will develop much more quickly from in-person dialogues than from mere book-learning or speculative “readings" done for people one has never seen. As in other sections of this book. the key phrases included here are meant to encourage understanding of the basics and to provoke independent thought in applying the principles involved to people's real situations. This is one reason (along with the tendency to judge aspects too rigidly as “good" or “bad") why the planetary interchanges (or “blendings” of their energies) that follow do not generally distinguish between the challenging and the harmonious aspects. The most important thing is to understand how any particular pair of planets works together, and there is no denying that the negative manifestations of a particular interchange are often seen in those who have those planets in a harmonious aspect. Likewise. there is no denying that many people who have two planets in challenging aspect express many of the positive qualities that rigid traditional notions would lead one to believe were only found when the planets were in harmonious or flowing relationship with each other.

quotes from her talks. My own observations and notes are by now so interwoven with quotes from her and other astrologers that it is impossible to give specific references and appropriate credit for all the various ideas learned from others.